How many jws know that before 1970, at the WT Study, the questions were asked first, answers given, and then the paragraph was read
Reading the paragraphs first was a soft option when conducting a Bible Study with someone and was frowned upon. Instructions for conducting the WT Study from 1953, this would wake up a few today.
WT 53 8/1 pp458-9:-
Starting the study itself, he will propound the printed question found at the bottom of the page provided for the first paragraph of the assigned study. Those in the audience may volunteer by raising their hands, and answering when called upon by the conductor. However, the conductor may call upon someone in the congregation without that one’s volunteering.
It is assumed that all have studied the lesson in advance and know the answers as contained in the paragraphs. There are many who hesitate to volunteer a comment, but who will speak when called upon. This method may also cause some who have become negligent in advance study of the lesson to recover from the bad habit they have drifted into.